'Avatar 2' release date, news: 20th Century Fox might have revealed film's release date

A screenshot from "Avatar."20th Century Fox

Director and producer James Cameron has been working on "Avatar 2" for years now, but the film never had a concrete release date before since it keeps on getting pushed back. Well, 20th Century Fox has been reshuffling their release schedule recently and they might have inadvertently revealed something interesting.

Deadline has reported that the studio has an untitled film from Cameron's Lightstorm Entertainment slated for a Dec. 21, 2018 release. Now, what film is Cameron working on right now? Okay, there won't be extra points for getting the right answer because it's quite obvious. "Avatar 2" is finally getting an official release date. The first film also came out in December.

Well, Disney and Lucasfilm dodged a huge bullet there by announcing that the "Han Solo" spin-off film would come out in May 2018. Otherwise, it would have to contend with a juggernaut like "Avatar 2." So, does this mean Cameron is committed to finishing the movie in time for the release? There won't be any more delays this time? Fans can only hope that's the case, and keep those fingers crossed.

It is time to reintroduce the Na'vi and the jungle moon of Pandora to the big screen. The first "Avatar" movie came out in 2009, so fans have been waiting for the planned sequel for some time now.

Back in September, Cameron told Variety that they would not hesitate to move the target release date if they needed to. But he added that once the first sequel comes out, he wants the rest to follow as closely as possible. That means moviegoers will get to watch a lot of "Avatar" films in the years to come.

"If it's an annual appointment to show up at Christmas, I want to make sure that we're able to fulfill on that promise," Cameron said.

Will "Avatar 2" feature glass-free 3D? That would be an amazing experience.