'Avengers 3' news: Josh Brolin doesn't know which Marvel films he'll appear in next

Josh Brolin as ThanosMarvel Studios

MTV News recently caught up with actor Josh Brolin and asked him a few questions regarding his role as the villain Thanos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The character most recently popped up in a post-credits scene in "Avengers: Age of Ultron," where he took the Infinity Gauntlet and decided to take matters into his own hands. 

The actor admitted that he isn't aware of which film he would cameo in next. According to a report from Screen Rant, Marvel's approach of keeping secrets even from their stars would help them fight back against information leaks. To do this, it is plausible that Brolin already shot some of his scenes but is not sure which film they will be inserted into. 

After all, Thanos is expected to appear in cameo roles before he becomes the main villain in the two-part "Avengers: Infinity War" films. This means he could appear in a post-credits scene in "Captain America: Civil War," "Doctor Strange," "Thor: Ragnarok," "Black Panther," or even in the solo "Spider-Man" film. 

However, Brolin did express his enthusiasm in playing the part. 

"I love going into a comic book store and a guy connecting me with Thanos, and seeing the incredible regressive awe that happens. Like you see them lose 30 years in can't-breathe awe," he stated. "That's fun, and I have a lot of respect for those fans. I'm excited about doing it, I really am." 

When asked which Avenger he looks forward to fighting, he simply answered, "I don't have a favorite because it's me against all of them. I think the entirety is what I'm most looking forward to. Each and every one. I'm bringing the wrath."

Although vague, his response does reveal the power of Thanos which will require the entire team of superheroes to take down. Thanos has been in the background, fighting against the Avengers and even against the Guardians of the Galaxy despite the two teams never meeting or interacting with each other.

"Avengers: Infinity War — Part 1" hits theaters on May 14, 2018 while Part 2 will be released on May 3, 2019.