'Avengers 2: Age of Ultron' cast rumors for Captain Marvel or Carol Danvers

Carol DanversWikipedia

In a previous post, we did mention that Captain Marvel is rumored to be appearing in the coming 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' flick on May 1. However, there is no word yet on who will actually portray Captain Marvel or Carol Danvers.

While the only folks who may be able to answer that right now is perhaps the folks over at Marvel, five names have cropped up as possible actresses who would take on that role. The names are detailed below in no specific order of preference:

Charlize Theron. Of the names that were mentioned, Charlize Theron could be a high profile actress that could take on the role. While Theron is no stranger on superhero roles (she starred in Hancock opposite Will Smith in 2008), it seems strange to keep her name under wraps if she would indeed be taking on the role.

Katee Sackhoff. In what should offer a fair resemblance of Carol Danvers, Sackhoff brings some experience in a military role after doing so from Battlestar Galactica. Aside from that, Sackhoff is a virtual unknown and could be a possible choice to appear as Captain Marvel.

Natalie Dormer. Dormer did appear in a make-out session with Steve Rogers in Captain America 1 but seeing her suddenly appearing as Captain Marvel seems a bit off track. Though the role was minor, he could be re-cast though it may seem a bit repetitive for fans who could remember her in the First Avenger.

Jessica Chastain. Another actress who has had experience taking on a military role, Chastain has reportedly been linked to the role before. Her commanding presence makes her a favorite but was Captain Marvel that authoritative?

Emily Blunt. Could the third time be a charm for Blunt and Marvel? Blunt had been previously eyed to take on the role of Black Widow and Peggy Carter (Captain America) but nothing really materialized. Could she have agreed to take on the Captain Marvel role?

Of the names rumored, a wild guess is that it could fall down to Katee Sackhoff, Jessica Chastain or Emily Blunt. Who could it possibly be?