'Avengers 2: Age of Ultron' plot spoilers clarified: Ultron, the Vision and more


"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" is weeks away but regardless, much has been speculated on how Ultron and soon to be ally in the Vision will come about.

There are varying conclusions on how Ultron came to be. The immediate prognosis is that Ultron came about no thanks to Iron Man or Tony Starks. But is Tony really the one to be blamed for his rise?

For the ones who were able to follow the comics and animated series of the Avengers, many may know that Ultron came about because of Ant-Man or Hank Pym which makes the upcoming Marvel film a bit waylaid since it is all being credited to Starks (speculatively). With no sight of Ant-Man, Marvel may have tried to divert the plot since Ant-Man is not expected to be inserted into the fray later this Summer.

With the synopsis stating that Tony Starks is developing some kind of peacekeeping program, such has been traced as the reason for Ultron's rise. The program was somehow thought of Starks for the time-being that S.H.I.E.L.D. is out of the equation.

But is that the real story behind Ultron? There is another angle which somehow traces the villain from a dormant program known as the Chitauri technology. The said technology was something left behind after that devastation of New York City from Avengers 1 which ties it up with the alien tech and some help from Loki's sceptre. The scepter is discovered by Baron von Stucker (Hydra), something seen in the prologue of the film.

The sceptre is believed to be the reason behind the powers of Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver but also includes that of Ultron.

With regards to Vision, is he the previously electronic aid of Starks known as J.A.R.V.I.S.? It is believed that Tony Starks will first destroy J.A.R.V.I.S. and then recreates him to a more enhanced version known as The Vision.

But wasn't Vision a result of Bruce Banner and Stark's combined efforts and expertise? This angle about Vision seems to be sketchy for now but does make a bit of sense.

"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" premieres on May 1, 2015 so don't miss it!