Baby elephant in pool VIDEO: Adorable elephant amuses crowds as it splashes into inflatable pool

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A video of a baby elephant playing in a kiddie's inflatable pool at Fort Worth Zoo has gone viral.

Park officials added the inflatable pool for Belle, the baby elephant on July 30 so she can cool off and enjoy the water. The new baby elephant is already proving to be a hit for the children visiting the zoo.

Belle is a wild Asian elephant and was born July 7 weighing over 300 pounds. She is only the second Asian elephant born at the Fort Worth Zoo in 104 years.

Barely a month old, Belle can be seen stumbling and slipping into the pool while her mother, Rasha, stands by and helps. At one point, Belle splashes all the water out of the pool, and park officials had to fill it up again with a hose.

The newborn pachyderm is growing fast and has been gaining a few pounds every day.

Fort Worth Zoo spokeswoman Katie Giangreco told "The Asian elephant exhibit has a 3,200-gallon pool that the adult elephants often utilize, so keepers provided Belle with a safer, smaller-sized pool for her to play in. Belle is full of personality and is learning and discovering new things every day, such as using her trunk to push, pull and lift objects (the sand in her exhibit area, hay, the pool, etc.) Giangreco added that they have larger inflatable pools to use as she gets bigger.

Visitors' excitement at seeing Belle splashing around and playing in the pool can be heard in the video.