'The Bachelorette' 2015 recap: 'The Men Tell All' in reunion special

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One week before the season 11 finale of "The Bachelorette," Kaitlyn Bristowe sat down with Chris Harrison to talk about her run on the show, and she was reunited with all of her suitors. Talk turned to how Kaitlyn was severely cyber bullied throughout the season, and one man who has offended her in the past asked for forgiveness for his appalling behavior. 

The suitors were still unhappy with Ian's exit. It can be recalled that he insulted Kaitlyn by saying that she was there to date and kiss "a bunch of men" and even said that she was shallow. Tanner said that Ian's behavior was the most disappointing part of the season and that he would happily call all the other guys his friends for the rest of his life, but not Ian. Tanner added that Ian's alma mater, Princeton, should teach a class on how to be a better person. 

Ian then decided to take off his jacket and knelt down in front of Kaitlyn to apologize for his words.

"I'm getting down on my knees to say sorry. I'm sorry to Kaitlyn, I'm sorry to her family and sorry to her mother," he said. 

Meanwhile, Clint revealed that he really came into the mansion to find love. He also said that he and JJ got to be close friends, but nothing more than that. 

Kaitlyn said that JJ was a frontrunner at first, but as Clint and JJ's relationship grew, they alienated themselves from the rest of the guys. JJ said that he was ashamed about crying and he regrets that his friendship with Clint caused him to fall behind as the other men gained momentum. 

Kaitlyn talked about how her decision to get intimate with Nick had cost her and that she received a lot of hateful comments online. She said that she's fine with people disagreeing with her choices or opinions, but the way people have been "spreading the hate" is not okay. 

"The hardest part is it affects my family. I can handle it. It doesn't feel good, but I can handle it," Kaitlyn said, before adding that her family has been checking to see if she is okay because of the staggering amount of negative comments she has been getting on social media. 

After revealing that Kaitlyn had received death threats, Harrison went on to read some of the notes that were sent to her. The tweets and emails read during the special were vulgar and very demeaning, and Kaitlyn struggled to hold back tears as one woman — a mother — called her selfish and that she should "crawl in a hole and die." Even her suitors were shaking their heads in disbelief over the messages that Kaitlyn received. 

Afterwards, the bachelorette got a standing ovation from her suitors and the audience, and later, Ian apologized once more to Kaitlyn. 

"I want to apologize about any backlash you received as a result of the comments I made," said a very remorseful Ian. "It wasn't representative of who I am as a human being, and I'm sorry."

The season finale of "The Bachelorette" airs on Monday, July 27, at 8 p.m. on ABC.