'Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear' release date news: Classic PC game drops to Android and iOS today

RPG game "Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear" drops to Android and iOS today.Beamdog / Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

Beamdog, most notably known for its highly acclaimed PC franchise game "Baldur's Gate," is moving on to conquer new pastures specifically on the mobile platformer scene with the release of its 2016 expansion title, "Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear," onto Android and iOS.

The classic RPG game, which officially releases today on both mobile platforms, is a mobile version of the similarly titled expansion released by the creators in 2016.

Gameplay-wise, the game will bring its users new difficulty options, perfect for those who have experienced the game and for those who are first timers.

Aside from the difficulty adjustments, "Baldur's Gate Dragonspear" will also see the introduction of a new shaman master class. Players are also treated to a new multiplayer mode, which they can now fully use after purchasing the game on their preferred mobile stores.

Lastly, the ported title will also be incorporated with 30 hours worth of new content for players to experience, on top of this, more than 100 new items have also been integrated for players to gather and collect.

As of present time, the game has officially made its way on the Android Play Store and is currently valued at $10.

In contrast, the game has yet to appear on the Apple app store. It is also still unknown if the game will be priced differently than its Android counterpart. Fans should have nothing to fear though as later today, it will also be made available.

This new game in the "Baldur's Gate" franchise will let players explore the timeline between the 1998 version "Baldur's Gate" and the 2000 sequel "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn." Users will be able to set their sights on the new regions of Sword Coast -- which possesses a greater map area when compared to Tales of the Sword Coast and Throne of Bhaal.