Baptist Organisation Continues to Provide Relief for Africa’s Tsunami Victims

More than one year on from when the Boxing Day tsunami struck its deadly waves onto the coasts of the south eastern region of the world, Christians continue to support survivors in the reconstructions of their lives. The Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention has been helping one of the tsunami’s forgotten lands: Somalia.

A leading African-American global missions and relief agency, the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention will work in a 30 month engagement partly funded through collaboration with the National Baptist Convention, USA.

The funding to sustain the two and a half years of work is the result of the considerable progress that has been made by the Lott Carey programmes currently running in Africa’s tsunami-devastated districts.

Several programmes are currently helping to rebuild East Africa’s seafood economy, which is still struggling to return to its pre-tsunami position as one of the world leaders in this market.