Baptist Union of Wales appeal benefits BMS & Christian Aid

The Baptist Union of Wales (BUW) has raised over £60,000 in its appeal for the Democratic Republic of Congo. The appeal was originally launched last year aims to give great benefit to both BMS World Mission and Christian Aid in that country.

The BUW appeal is entitled, Supporting the Family and was intended not only to raise money for work in church planting areas, education, health, peace and HIV/Aids work, but also aims to give the churches the opportunity to give to both agencies.

The former President of the BUW, Denzil John, reported that traditionally churches only supported either one or the other of the two agencies.

John stated, “It was good to see the two agencies recognising the benefit of collaborating in this venture. As a keen supporter of both, I was thrilled to see them dovetailing together and giving our union a means to reach out to a developing world country and offer focused support.”

He continued, “The need in Africa is greater than on any other continent, and I was particularly keen to support an Aids programme. Since the first appeal I have been concerned for DR Congo.”

Regarding Wales, John commented, “The joint appeal gave us a sense of partnership and purpose. It was both mission and development, kingdom building and community based” and that Welsh churches “benefited from the exercise.”

The money raised by the joint appeal will be use for one of the three BMS projects in DR Congo, for health, church planting and education.