Baptist World Aid Unites with Relief Teams in Hurricane Katrina Aftermath

The Baptist Word Alliance’s (BWA) relief and development arm – Baptist World Aid (BWAid) – has announced that it is now requesting donations to assist the relief teams tackling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

The Salvation Army, Red Cross and a number of other leading agencies will unite together with national and state Baptist relief teams in working in the devastated areas of New Orleans, USA.

Teams of trained volunteers will initially focus on providing immediate aid to the region; meals and water will be given to those suffering from the natural disaster, as well as the rescue workers.

After the short-term needs are met, many teams will stay on and assist in the long-term reparation and rebuilding work that is required.

On Tuesday 30 August, Feeding and Recovery teams were sent to Meridian, Mississippi by the North Carolina State Convention. A Virginia feeding unit also headed for Vicksburg, Mississippi, and a recovery team was heading out today, 31st August 2005 with crisis care counsellors and water purification units, according to the BWA.

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has prepared its teams and they will now be ready to be despatched to wherever they are required. Many other Baptist teams are also beginning to head for other affected areas.

BWAid Director Paul Montacute emphasised, “Money is what is most needed. All agencies are saying this, and we need to avoid the dumping of inappropriate goods that could in fact hinder the relief work.”

For more information on donating to Hurricane Katrina Relief, please email to: