Baptist World Alliance Day is 6th Feb

The Baptist World Alliance (BWA) encouraged faithful Baptists across the nation to celebrate BWA day by showing "love and support for the Baptist world family." Celebrated annually, the 2005 BWA day falls on February 6. According to the BWA, offerings for BWA day will be used to provide funds for national leaders to attend the BWA’s upcoming Centennial celebration in Birmingham, England.

"Many of these national leaders live in impoverished countries and do not have the resources to attend the Congress. Your generous gift will make a difference in their lives," the BWA announcement read.

The centennial celebration, the first of its kind for the BWA, will bring together Baptists of all walks of life and all geographic regions, to reflect on the past and discuss future plans.

The 2005 gathering also marks the first Congress held after the Southern Baptist Convention voted to break ties with the BWA; prior to the break, the SBC provided nearly a third of the BWA’s financial base.

To give to the BWA Day effort, mail your gift to:
Baptist World Alliance
405 North Washington Street
Falls Church, VA 22046

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press