Baptist World Alliance General Council Commences in Mexico City

|TOP|The annual Baptist World Alliance General Council meeting has commenced in Mexico City, 3 July 2006.

The BWA website tells that the General Council attendees will have "the privilege of worshipping with and forming friendships with our Mexican Baptist brothers and sisters."

The General Council gathers annually in an attempt to share in fellowship, but also to discuss and learn about Baptist life and issues around the globe.

A concerted effort has been made to create a more participatory gathering in 2006, with special worship, forums and affinity groups, as well as less formal meetings set to take place.|AD|

The Implementation Task Force of the BWA has also been putting together an exciting agenda based on recommendations from the 21st Century Committee.

Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world, with approximately 20 million inhabitants and over a mile high, it is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, the ancient Aztec capital. Reminders of past civilization pervade the city.

The General Council will meet from 3rd till 8th July, and following this a 5-day tour to Taxco, Acapulco and Cuernavaca is being planned for particiapants to take part in with BWA President David Coffey.

For more information on the BWA, please visit:

[Source: BWA]