Baptist World Alliance Leaders Visit Mexico City Ahead of General Council

|PIC1|A delegation of leaders from the Baptist World Alliance has increased their efforts in preparing for its Annual General Council Meeting, which will be held from 3-8 July in Mexico City.

The delegation has visited the Mexican Baptist President, Gilberto Gutierrez, and its Executive Secretary Raul Castellanos to continue laying the foundations of the upcoming gathering.

The Mexican Baptist leaders gave the delegation an extensive tour of the sites of the meetings, which will be held at the Sheraton Maria Isabel.

General Secretary Denton Lotz, Ian Chapman, Judy Campbell and Carolina Mangieri were among the BWA leaders to visit Mexico.

Lotz said, "We are enthusiastic about these meetings and pray that they will be an opportunity for Baptists from around the world to learn of the great work of Baptists in Mexico. Mexican Baptists are ready to receive us enthusiastically. We are grateful for our reception by Mexican Baptist President Gutierrez, as well as the other Mexican Baptist leaders."

|TOP|Just last month, after 26 years of service to the Baptist World Alliance, incumbent General Secretary Denton Lotz announced his plans for retirement, during the Alliance's executive committee meeting in Falls Church, Va., USA.

"It is with great freedom and a certain sense of emotion that I announce that I have requested the Personnel Committee to begin the process whereby they will nominate the next General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance," Lotz said in a statement dated 8th March.

Both the BWA director of communications and the director of study and research have stepped down in the last year, leaving behind what Lotz called a "great vacuum of leadership."

Despite such challenges, Lotz said he believes the BWA is "now at a high point in its life."

|AD|"Although some may leave us, the fact is the Baptist World Alliance more than ever is God's instrument for uniting Baptists worldwide," Lotz wrote, noting that more than 20 Baptists bodies are seeking membership in the Alliance.

"Let me assure you," he added, "that we make this decision under no pressure and in complete freedom."

According to Lotz's statement, the Personnel Committee will try to find a replacement by the time the BWA General Council meeting in Mexico City this July.

"Until that time let me assure you that we shall continue to serve the BWA with enthusiasm and prayer for the might things God is doing through our brothers and sisters worldwide," he wrote.

Registration for the annual gathering has begun with applications being sent directly to the Baptist World Alliance. It is expected that the General Council will be completely filled and so potential delegates have been urged by the BWA to plan ahead and register for the meeting as soon as possible.

For more information on the BWA, please visit:

[Source: BWA]