Baptist World Alliance Women’s Conference to Reveal Major World Issues

In conjunction with the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Centenary Congress, the BWA Women’s Leadership Conference will be held on 23-26 July in Birmingham, England. The conference is expected to respond to the major women’s issues in the world, and address the identity of women in this era.

About 800 women from 63 countries will gather at Aston University in Birmingham for the conference, among which one-third are African. Under the theme "Seeing with New Eyes", many speakers from around the globe are invited to bring a variety of perspectives to the conference.

The purpose of the conference is to bring Baptist women together and to discover how God is working through women. In addition, it can also raise awareness of the issues that affect women's lives, so that women can become better equipped to fulfil Christ's purpose in the world

The opening session will begin on Saturday 23rd July at 7:30 p.m. with a roll call, theme interpretation and President's message.

On Sunday 24th July, Ksenija Madga of Croatia, a Langham scholar reading for a PhD at the London School of Theology, will lead a Bible study on women's identity. Another internationally recognised women's leader and educator from South Africa, Dorothy Selebano, will then present a paper with regards to the subject.

A response session will follow, led by Atola Subong, a journalist and director of a ministry to young women in India and Thelma Chambers-Young, an African-American pastor.

On Monday morning, the conference will focus on the changing roles of women in the family. There will be a Bible study led by Amparo Medina of Colombia, a psychologist, professor, and author of Freedom from Violence in the Family. Lois Mitchell, a sociologist who is Canadian Baptists' voice on public issues in Ottawa, will also present the paper on this subject.

The afternoon sessions will allow in-depth discussion on the current social issues related to women through ten focus groups. The topics are set as follows: poverty, injustice, HIV/AIDS, children at risk, trafficking of women, women's health, and the difficult Scriptures regarding women's role.

Participants will see new ways to respond to the issues; they may even begin to develop leadership networks in each area of concern. The groups will be led by an outstanding roster of experts and practitioners from around the globe.

The most inspiring programme is likely to be the cultural festivals in the evenings, in which women from different nations will demonstration their traditional dance and praise. Some of the featured performances include the 24-voice Shalom Choir from Korea, a praise choir composed of women from 17 Native American tribes, a dance ensemble from the Republic of Georgia, and the Serenity Praise Liturgical Dancers from America.

The high-profile Baptist World Centenary Congress, which celebrates the 100th anniversary of the BWA, will be held in Birmingham on 27-31 July at the International Convention Centre (ICC), immediately after the Women’s conference.

The BWA Women’s Leadership Conference is sponsored by the Women's Department of the BWA every five years. The BWA Women’s Department brings together women from 132 countries and 229 national Baptist women's organisations.