Baptist Youth World Conference in Hong Kong Gathers Thousands

Currently the Hong Kong Exhibition and Conventional Center is hosting the 14th Baptist Youth World Conference, organised by the Youth Department of the Baptist World Alliance. Over 3,500 delegates from 70 countries have attended the conference, which opened earlier in August with lively and colourful worship.

Worldwide delegates have been warmly welcomed by Sam Luk, President of the Hong Kong Baptist Convention, and via video by Billy Kim, President of the BWA, and Denton Lotz, General Secretary of the BWA.

Donald Lawrence, President of the Youth Department of the Baptist World Alliance, spoke on the theme “Jesus Christ is the Life in All Its Fullness” by quoting Bible versus from John 10;

While the hired hand is only doing his job with the sheep and cares first for his interest, Jesus the Good Shepherd who owns the sheep has their well being in his hands. President Lawrence wanted to point out the choices young people face as they choose whether to serve Satan or Jesus Christ.

“As young people, you can get involved in things that can land you in trouble, but there is no pretense in Jesus who wants to give you fullness of life. Choose Jesus who will guard your dignity,” Lawrence said.

“Many people want to use you to advance their own cause and steal your souls. Know there is salvation in no other name but the name of Jesus,” he continued.

“Our soul needs something to satisfy us and set us free, not something that will make us feel full now and empty later. True satisfaction is found in no other but Jesus Christ,” Lawrence preached to the youth, who often shown so much energy to enjoy life but is at the highest risk of falling into the traps of Satan.

The report from delegates of different parts of the world have allowed youth Baptists to broaden their horizons. At the conference, the young people have prayed for the poverty that plagues so much of the world.

While there is a rising awareness of the HIV/AIDS inflection among the youth in the world due to casual sex attitudes and insufficient education, Cassandra Jones, Youth Officer from USA reported the “True Love Waits” sexual abstinence program for young people has been very successful across many churches in the USA.

Jones said, youth leaders have the big challenge of saying to them that there is a right or wrong when faced with a post-modern, post-Christian mindset and many voices telling them there is no right or wrong as long as it does not hurt anybody else. However, Jones reaffirmed that “you do not have to apologise for living out your life in Christ as a young person.”

Phil Harbridge, Canadian representative on the International Program Committee said, “The youth belong to the church of today and not tomorrow.” He encouraged youth Baptists that among youth ministers and pastors “there is a growing awareness of young people to serve.”