Baptists Celebrate Rise in Home Mission Fund

The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) has recently recorded a rise in the Home Mission Fund, reported the Baptist Times.

Nearly £3.5 million was given to BUGB in 2004 for Home Mission. It has nearly reached the target of £3.8 million and marked almost one percent higher than that in 2003.

BUGB treasurer Bernard Rouget was very thankful for the generosity of God’s people for the cause of mission.

"Each year the Baptist family’s financial giving to support Home Mission increases," he reported. These donations are very vital in changing lives and transforming communities, he said.

Philip Putman, the Union’s Head of Finance and Administration added, "This money supports both front-line mission and those who are resourcing and supporting that front-line mission."

However, Putman further expressed his hope in the future appeal that it will rise by at least the rate of wage inflation to enable existing work to continue.