Baptists Continue Ministry in Lebanon amid Intense Fighting

Despite conflicts and tensions in Lebanon, the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary and the Beirut Baptist School, have continued to hold normal activities, the Baptist World Alliance has reported.

The seminary is holding its annual Middle East conference from 18 to 22 June. The conference brings together Christians from North America, Europe and the Arab world to gain a better understanding of Islam and the Middle East. On July 6, the BBS will hold its graduation events.

"We are quite excited to see how God multiplies the invested efforts and so brings fruits to His glory. Indeed, it is His hand in our midst that keeps us encouraged amidst the very frustrating - and at times quite alarming - conflicts and explosions that shatter our country's peace," said Nabil Costa, head of the Lebanese Baptist Society, which runs both educational institutions.

Baptist World Aid and other Baptist partners of the Lebanese Baptist Society have said they are exploring how best to support the work over the long term, and are ready to assist in programmes of emergency relief.

Over the past 12 months, Lebanon has experienced war and internal civil strife. In the summer of 2006, Israel waged a 33-day war against Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon, in retaliation for the killing of eight of its soldiers and the capture of another two by Hezbollah.

Almost 1,200 Lebanese civilians and 44 Israeli civilians were killed, while nearly one million Lebanese, mainly from the southern part of the country, were displaced.

Beginning in May of this year, the radical Islamist group Fatah al-Islam has been engaged in combat against the Lebanese army in the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp. The camp is in northern Lebanon and housed approximately 30,000 Palestinian refugees, many of whom fled the camp when the fighting broke out.

By June 16, reports are that 68 Lebanese soldiers, 50 Fatah al-Islam supporters and 32 civilian Palestinians had been killed in the fighting.

"It is a challenge for us - the Church in Lebanon - to remain focused on Him. May God help us to see the aggressors through His eyes, to pray for them, as well as to reflect our true identity in Christ in times of peace as well as in times of difficulty," Costa said.

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[Source: BWA]