Baptists & Salvation Army Call All to Join Make Poverty History Rally in Edinburgh

On the brink of the UK’s presidency of the G8 Summit at Gleneagles, Edinburgh in July, aid agencies and faith groups are sending a final call to the public, urging them to participate in the massive rally organised by the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign.

The Baptist-based mission agency, BMS World Mission, has called its supporters to attend the Make Poverty History rally on Saturday 2nd July in Edinburgh.

BMS Communications Director, Mark Craig said, "There is a popular idea that people in Britain only care about themselves and are not concerned about the welfare of people on the other side of the world. We know that is not true. Every day the work we do is made possible by Christians from all over the UK who care enough to pray for, give and go to some of the poorest areas on the planet."

"We would urge anyone who cares about world poverty and the work of BMS to go to Edinburgh on 2nd July. It will involve a sacrifice of time, money and effort. But that sacrifice, if enough people show their support, could realistically change the world. This is too important to leave to someone else to do. Please come to Edinburgh."

Over 100,000 people are expected to join the Make Poverty History rally. The march will take place just a few days before the G8 summit where the world leaders of the eight richest nations in the world will meet.

Under the administration of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the newly elected Labour government pledged to put the crisis of world poverty at the top of its agenda and press for a fairer deal for the developing world.

The Make Poverty History campaign considers 2005 as a crucial year for the UK to make a difference to the world’s poverty problem by its status in the international arena. The campaign aims to pressure Britain as well as the world's richest nations to agree to dropping poor nation debt, introducing trade justice and supplying more and better aid to the world's poorest countries - the three principles to eradicate poverty in the world.

2nd July will see a mass gathering and march to demonstrate public support for the campaign. Not only Baptists, but also the Salvation Army are hoping to see hundreds if not thousands of its congregations to be among the rally.

Major Bill Cochrane, the Salvation Army's Secretary for Communications said, "A group of Salvationists carrying banners and flags saying they think global poverty is wrong and immoral will be very powerful. I would really encourage people to be there - it’s going to be an amazing and unforgettable day."

According to the Make Poverty History campaign, the day’s events will start from 11am. It will include rallies with international speakers, celebrity supporters and music; the creation of a giant human white band around Edinburgh city centre; entertainment, market stalls and activities.

The march will snake around Edinburgh and start and finish on fields where there will be displays, including one from The Salvation Army’s International Development department.