Baptists to invite people Back to Church again in September

Baptists will be inviting people ‘back to church’ again in September after an amazing response in 2008.

Back to Church Sunday is a national initiative which encourages churchgoers to invite someone back to church who no longer attends. Started in 2004 by an Anglican church in Manchester and then rolled out across the Church of England, the Baptist Union of Great Britain officially endorsed it for the first time last year. Over a fifth of all Baptist Union churches - some 450 nationwide - took part with over 6,000 people returning to church on the day.

Totteridge Road Baptist Church in Enfield was one of the Baptist churches that held a Back to Church Sunday last year. They had an influx of 70 guests, which doubled their usual congregation.

“Personal invitations proved to be most effective and members were excited to see so many take up the invitation,” says minister, the Rev Alan Beavis.

At Ruardean Hill Baptist Church in Gloucestershire, the elderly congregation of just eight increased to 40 on Back to Church Sunday.

“The response last year was amazing,” says Baptist Union Head of Mission, the Rev Ian Bunce. “People lose touch with church for all sorts of reasons but Back to Church Sunday shows that thousands, possibly millions would come back if invited.”

This year’s Back to Church Sunday takes place on Sunday 27 September 2009. The theme is ‘Come as you are’ and special packs for churches containing promotional leaflets, posters and information are available to order from the Baptist Union’s Mission Department until 29 May.

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