Barnabas Fund sends aid to Indonesia’s disaster-hit Christians

Barnabas Fund is sending funds to Christians caught up in the wave of disasters that hit Indonesia this week.

The mainly Christian islands of Mentawai have been severely affected by the earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption.

At least 300 people have been killed by the tsunami that crashed struck the region on Monday, while another 400 have been injured and around 4,000 have been made homeless.

The eruption of Mount Merapi on the island of Java on Tuesday killed dozens more as it spewed clouds of hot ash and lava into the atmosphere. Homes, crops and livestock have also been damaged by the eruption.

Barnabas Fund said it had received urgent appeals from its partners in Indonesia for practical support and prayers.

One partner reported the destruction of an entire church and serious damage to the contents of at least another as a result of the disasters.

A church leader in Padang, West Sumatra, gave this report to Barnabas Fund: “As we see the pictures and hear the stories of lost homes and missing or dead loved ones, [the] churches feel the hurt, and listen to cries out for help.

“The pain, the sadness, the loss, the devastation, it’s almost too much to bear, even to watch, even from a distance.

“Yet, there are hundreds or thousands who are living this nightmare. And God, we pray for them with all of our hearts and souls.”

Barnabas Fund partners fear the triple disasters may have a negative impact on the Christian population after the 2005 earthquake on the island of Nias led to a 30% drop in the number of Christians living there in the following two years. They blame the fall on the increased presence of Muslims in the wake of disasters.

The funds raised by Barnabas' appeal will go towards food, medicine and clothing for victims.

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, said: “Once again Indonesia is afflicted by natural disasters having not long recovered from the devastating tsunami of 2004 and more recent earthquakes.

“Barnabas Fund was on the frontline of previous aid efforts to help Christians affected; will you help us to do likewise now?”