Barnabas Launches Bangladesh Flood Appeal

Barnabas Fund is appealing for donations to its Bangladesh appeal as massive flooding continues to bring hardship to people across large parts of South Asia.

The proceeds of the appeal will go towards supporting Bangladesh's Christian minorities, which make up around one million people.

Christians are among the thousands forced to leave their homes and live in temporary shelters.

Barnabas is working with partners on the ground in Bangladesh to bring vital aid to flood-affected Christians in particular.

"Aid via local partners is often the fastest and most effective method of help," said Barnabas. "Local Christian groups on the ground are already in place and have the infrastructure to assist brothers and sisters in need."

The charity said it had already received requests to help more than 18,000 Christians in the flood-hit areas of Bangladesh.

Funds raised by the appeal will go towards rice, pulses, salt, sugar, water, cooking oil, oral re-hydration, medication, candles and matches.

Barnabas is also appealing for funds to enable a long-term response, including the repair of homes and local economies such as agriculture and fishing.

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, commented: "We need to be concerned for our Christian brothers and sisters at this time. Natural disasters can hit Christian minorities particularly hard in countries like these, where they face discrimination as a normal part of everyday life.

"Relief and aid are often distributed by local authorities who may deliberately omit Christians or simply overlook the existence of marginalised communities. Christians are frequently at the end of the queue when aid is given out."

Barnabas appealed to Christians to pray for all victims of the flooding across Bangladesh, Nepal and India, and that Christians and other minorities would not be discriminated against or have their needs overlooked.