Bath Churches to Take Lead in Green Living

Churches in the Diocese of Bath and Wells are being encouraged to lead the way in green living by celebrating creation in their sermons and adopting environmentally-friendly practices.

The new strategy follows the first meeting of the Diocesan Environment Group and the policy 'For a Changing World' agreed at Diocesan Synod in March, reports the Bath and Wells diocesan newspaper Grapevine.

In the For a Changing World report, Diocesan Synod acknowledged that "the life systems of the earth are suffering serious damage as a result of human activity" and announced the renewed commitment of the diocese to "respect and celebrate God's creation in nature".

The report also outlined a number of practical aims to "radically reduce" the diocese's carbon impact and "facilitate and empower" people in Bath and Wells who want to adopt this practice, as well as "lead by example from the centre".

Group chairman Rev David Osborne said that churches, clergy and members would need to get behind the green strategy if words were to become actions.

Part of that process, he said, would involve churches taking up issues such as waste, energy consumption, wildlife protection and the use of resources such as water and soil.

Churches should also look to celebrate creation in their worship and pray for the world, while "living on the basis of our hope in God", added Rev Osborne.

The new strategy has won the approval of those clergy and members within the diocese who have led a lengthy campaign to make the church a greener place and play a greater role in caring for the planet.

The Diocese of Bath and Wells is also busy with its mission strategy following the concept of Changing Lives, a DVD series produced by the diocese to help Christians find new ways of living based on the example and teaching of Jesus Christ.

At a recent workshop, parishioners took a closer look at their skills and resources and areas within the community where those skills might enable the church to take a lead. The strategy is ongoing.