'Batman: Arkham Knight' included in 'Arkham Collection' to be released later this year?

Twitter courtesy of Batman Arkham

A new "Arkham Collection," rumored to be released later this year, may include three titles from the series, including "Batman: Arkham Knight."

New information regarding the possible release of an "Arkham Collection" is coming from tipster Liam Robertson.

In a video posted on YouTube by Robertson, he talked about the possibility of a new "Arkham Collection" containing multiple titles from the series being released sometime in 2016.

First off, Robertson pointed to an earlier report released back in 2015 by IGN Italy. The said report revealed that there were plans to supposedly create a remastered collection of the "Batman Arkham" series that involved updating "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and "Batman: Arkham City" so that they could be suitable for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The remastered collection was reportedly being prepped for a 2015 release.

For now, the rumor about a supposed "Arkham Collection" being released has not come to fruition, although that may be changing soon.

Later on in the video, Robertson revealed that he was able to speak to a source close to the franchise's publisher, and according to the informant, the rumored "Arkham Collection" remains in development. Robertson also revealed that he was able to talk to someone involved with the original IGN Italy report, and this source backed up the claims of his other informant.

As of now, any "Arkham Collection" that will be released is expected to include "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and "Batman: Arkham City." "Batman: Arkham Knight" may also be released as part of that collection, although the inclusion of this title is, apparently, less certain.

One title that is supposedly not being included in the "Arkham Collection," according to Robertson's sources, is "Batman: Arkham Origins."

It's tough to tell exactly how the fans may react to the release of a new "Arkham Collection," although support for it is likely going to be positive.

As Design and Trend noted, both "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and "Batman: Arkham City" were well received by fans and that could translate to a palpable desire building among the fan base to have those two titles finally make it to current generation consoles.

Fans may also not have to wait soon to find out if an "Arkham Collection" is coming or not, since it is rumored to be launched sometime later this year, possibly even in the summer.