'Batman: Arkham Knight' problems: Patch to fix broken PS4 leaderboards after glitch reports

Twitter courtesy of Batman Arkham

A new patch from "Batman: Arkham Knight" developer Rocksteady Studios is primed to properly address the broken Playstation 4 leaderboards currently causing problems within the game.

The game's director, Stefon Hill, made the announcement, saying the new patch would be targeting the campaign leaderboards that have been posing problems ever since they went down for the first time last week.

The busted leaderboard in question, known as "Gotham's Greatest," allows players to know exactly what their scores are as they complete challenges within the game's campaign mode. As an added feature, players could even view and compare their scores with the numbers other people are putting up on their friends list, according to Polygon.

Unfortunately for Rocksteady Studios, not long after "Batman: Arkham Knight" was launched, players immediately reported incidents of the leaderboard crashing, prompting the game's developer to issue a corresponding patch.

The patch has already been installed by some players, and so far, no new problems regarding the leaderboards have been reported.

While Playstation 4 users playing "Batman: Arkham Knight" may be glad to have their most glaring problem resolved, PC gamers cannot say the same thing.

Thus far, the problematic PC port of the game remains plagued with bugs and other issues and has made it a nightmare to play with.

Though the people behind "Batman: Arkham Knight" promised that the PC port would be their top priority, it appears they have not neglected to address issues appearing on other platforms, according to Games Radar.

Rocksteady Studios has said that though they did consider the PC port of "Batman: Arkham Knight" to be their priority, they still want to have different people working on the other platforms.

Sales of the game on the PC remain suspended as the team behind the game continues to work on fixing the issues.