'Batman: Arkham Knight' to launch before 2014 ends? Speculations on the new villain's identity and more

Batman: Arkham Knight[Photo credit: Batman: Arkham Knight website]

The much-awaited action adventure game, "Batman: Arkham Knight," which failed to put on an appearance last month, will be released in January next year instead. As reported by Franchise Herald, Batman voice actor himself Kevin Conroy personally broke the news about the October delay to the horde of gamers awaiting the new-fangled "Batman" title.

"I have a massive game you may have heard of called 'Arkham Night'. It was supposed to come out in January, we've been working on it or a year and a half, it's still not done. So it's going to come out next January, but I know everyone is frustrated. The reason it's been delayed is because it's so awesome," Conroy told Groovy TV.

Apparently, the new installment is still in the works and with the statement dropped by Conroy, everyone's expectation of the awesome game rose to new heights, with the hopes that "Batman: Arkham Knight" will live up to the assertion. Additionally, with rumor mills in full swing, the "awesomeness" Conroy has been promising was found to be coming from the intricate plotline Rocksteady goes by.

First, the speculated niceties and doodads about the game attempt to lay the Arkham Knight's identity fully bare. According to Master Herald, the closest possible alter ego of the latest scoundrel in the neighborhood is another important character, the troublesome reporter Jack Ryder. This claim was due to Ryder and the Arkham Knight's sole voice actor, James Horan. The site added how Ryder's constant pleas for the Caped Crusader's help can be a mere part of a larger and darker plot being crafted inside the mind of a shadowed foe.

In other chitchat going on in the realm, the latest villain is said to be one of the equally-sinister criminals recruited by Scarecrow, uniting them with the identical goal of bringing their mortal enemy's doom. This could only mean that Harley Quinn, Two-Face and The Penguin are back. 

Spoiler Alert!  According to Game Ranx, Batman's intellectual archenemy Joker will meet his demise in the game. However, Kpop Starz remarked that Joker will still appear, but only in flashbacks and also once in Batman's dream. Through this massive change, Scarecrow will be able to snag more prominent exposure in the installment and, of course, this will give way to Arkham Knight's formal introduction as Batman's newest archrival.

Other exciting news also tell the participation of the Man of Steel in the game. According to Kpop Starz, George Newbern will be lending his voice to Superman for the game.