'Batman: Arkham Knight' updates: mystery codes in new trailer

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The latest trailer for "Batman: Arkham Knight" is a treasure and heaps of goods were mined from it. Apart from showcasing the menacing lineup of villains united to bring the Caped Crusader to his doom and claim Gotham City, Rocksteady made it a point to throw in mystery codes for gamers to decipher by summoning their inner detective. 

Three codes were dispersed in the trailer and Reddit users wasted no time in cracking all of them, raking through the whole footage to find clues and more codes. Thanks to the deducting prowess of Reddit user SixSided, the codes were almost painlessly unmasked. How did he do it? 

"The key thing to notice was that the ciphers only contained letters used in the names of the characters, which people had already noticed, but more importantly that the numbers only came after letters that occurred MORE THAN ONCE in the name," SixSided explained via Reddit. "This doesn't account for the lowercase / uppercase, but after trying a few things I found taking the name in lower then upper and lining it up with the alphabet like so worked nice. From here you then take the cipher text, and pick out the letter below, taking the Nth occurrence if it was followed by a number. For example 'c' -> 'I', 'n3' -> 'L'." 

One code, which was subtly plastered on Harley Quinn's leg, was revealed to bear the phrase "Her first line." This was reportedly the most difficult one to locate. The other code that reads "pPL2a3Mn Ppi3mAMpyL2" appeared in the 0:25 second mark of the "Batman: Arkham Knight" trailer. It revealed the phrase "Asylum sanctuary" and, as it turns out, it has something to do with Poison Ivy. The last one found by eagle-eyed fans is the code "c Rcn3n3 N2Jn3tjHn2" at 1:47. This uncovered the phrase "I will unleash." 

SixSided detailed that each of those phrases refer to the characters' line in "Arkham Asylum." This gives way to more findings: Harley Quinn with "Yeah, right"; Poison Ivy with "Botanical gardens"; and Scarecrow with "Your greatest fears." Entering the codes in the persons of interest page in the "Batman: Arkham Knight" website will reveal the profiles of the characters. 

"Batman: Arkham Knight" is shaping up to be the best culmination to its meteoric trilogy. The much-awaited title will be out on June 2.