'Batman' by Telltale Games news: Gameplay mechanics and story details teased

Telltale Games BatmanTelltale Games

The first few details regarding Telltale Games' "Batman" were announced during the SXSW Festival, courtesy of a report from Cinema Blend, with additional detail listed on the game's official website. According to the report, the game will focus not just on Batman's crime-fighting activities but also on Bruce Wayne's activities during the day.

According to the report, the game will shift back-and-forth between daytime segments where the player controls Bruce Wayne and evening segments, controlling Wayne's superhero identity, Batman.

Choices made in each segment will affect the other, hinting that what Wayne does during the day will alter what kind of enemies or crimes Batman faces at night. While Batman will go out to beat thugs and villains, as Bruce Wayne, he will need to negotiate around using his influence as a billionaire and known public figure.

The presentation also revealed the script for the game, which turned out to be quite thick and indicative of how diverse the choices will be in the story.

The developers did confirm that Robin or Nightwing won't be in the game, while other central side characters such as Alfred Pennyworth, Commissioner James Gordon, reporter Vicki Vale and GCPD officer Renee Montoya will be making an appearance. 

In regards to the story, the developers revealed they are taking a mature, R-rated approach. The plot is also going to be an original tale instead of being directly lifted from any existing comic book arc, films, series or previous video games, although it is hinted that inspirations from notable "Batman" stories such as "Long Halloween" may be used.

According to the report, the game will not use photo-realistic visuals and instead is aiming for something more akin to the comic books, taking inspiration from the work of comic book artists such as Jim Lee and Neal Adams. 

No release date has yet been announced.