Batman v Superman cast, plot news: Chris Pine as Green Lantern?

Green LanternWikipedia

The original seven of the Justice League are expected to be seen in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice film and while the actors/actress expected to portray most of the members have been named, the last one could very well be a familiar face, Chris Pine.

Pine is of course someone who is familiar to many in the new Star Trek films from J.J. Abrams but does he fit the role of wearing the ring?

Pine has been into action films, usually springing into stunts the natural way. With the aid of a ring, could Pine be up to the task of taking on the role of one of the founding members of the Justice League?

One has to wonder the hold up on why the actor who would take on the role has not been named. Bear in mind that while Pine's name has been thrown into the equation though it would be better if it was made official.

Assuming that it is indeed Pine taking on the role of Hal Jordan, one has to wonder how he will be able to manage his time starting in various DC film lineups (Green Lantern and Justice League part 1 and 2) as well as his recurring role as Captain Kirk of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek.

On a related note, there is word as well that there will be two Green Lanterns on the horizon. More likely this will happen once Justice League Part 1 comes around in 2017.

With Hal Jordan tied up to Chris Pine, who could play the John Stewart version? Tyrese Gibson is once again being tied up to the role, a link-up that is not necessarily new if you consider past rants tying him up with GL.

Though unofficial, would both Pine and Gibson be perfect choices to fill in the shoes of the Green Lantern characters?