'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' movie update: Amy Adams talks about Lois Lane, scene with Ben Affleck

Amy Adams as Lois Lane in "Man of Steel"[Screen captured from "Man of Steel" trailer | Warner Bros.]

Lois Lane has always been a significant part of Clark Kent's life, but in the past, she almost always just plays the love interest of the Man of Steel, or someone who needs saving. Well, this time around, the Daily Planet reporter won't simply be a damsel in distress because she will actually play a bigger part in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."  

Amy Adams, who plays Lois Lane, is not afraid to tell the world what her character will be up to in the upcoming Warner Bros. movie. Adams recently confirmed that her character will be sharing a scene with Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne/ Batman. The actress only had praises to say about her co-star. 

"He's hot! Sorry, Jen. I have the utmost respect for your relationship, but he looks fantastic. And the work that I did with him, I think it's going to be great," she told Moviefone

Adams certainly sounded excited about working with Affleck. Furthermore, she was happy to share that Lois Lane will play an important role in "Dawn of Justice."  

"Lois is still sort of like the key to the information, you know? She's the girl going out and getting it and figuring it out and putting it together and all of that, so she's very much involved," Adams told Collider

So, what do these two spoilers give away then? Given Lois Lane's work as an investigative journalist, is it possible that she will actually be the one to discover Batman's identity? Adams neither denied nor confirmed this idea, although Cinema Blend hopes that she would figure it out herself rather than just accidentally uncovering the truth. 

If this comes to pass and she does discover who the Caped Crusader really is, it begs the question: will she tell Superman about it? Or will she just keep it a secret? 

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is set for release in March 2016. As for the trailer, it may come out May of 2015.