'Batman v Superman' trailer reveals Doomsday

Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman as seen in the trailerYoutube screenshot via Warner Bros Pictures

The latest trailer for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" has launched online and it gives audiences a better look at the conflict between the titular heroes, more of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman and the first real glimpse of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. The real surpirse for many, however, is the reveal of the villain Doomsday.

Much of the trailer focused on the psychological and physical battle between Clark Kent aka Superman (Henry Cavill) and Bruce Wayne aka Batman (Ben Affleck), and it appears that Lex Luthor is the wedge in between that forces the two to fight each other. But at the tail end of the trailer, Wonder Woman and Doomsday make their debut.

Judging from the scenes in the trailer, it appears that Doomsday is in fact a resurrected General Zod (Michael Shannon), altering Doomsday's origins from the comic books, as stated in a report from Screen Rant.

Doomsday as seen in the trailerYoutube screenshot via Warner Bros Pictures

In the comic book source material, Doomsday is the product of an experiment in which an organism is killed and revived on an endless cycle until it is capable of surviving even the worse conditions, essentially turning it into an unstoppable killing machine.

However, the trailer has a quick shot of Luthor and his team toying with what appears to be Kryptonian technology, hinting that Doomsday's origin in the film may borrow elements of the comic book version such as being a revived person that has already gone through horrible experiences in order to be a rampaging beast.

Doomsday in the comic books is known primarily for being the villain that killed Superman, but in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," the villain may simply be an overpowered creature that will force Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to look past their differences and unite, eventually leading to the formation of the Justice League.

Fans speculate if this is truly Doomsday or perhaps a mere prototype. There are also speculations whether or not this Doomsday will die in the film or somehow survive long enough to become the threat seen in the comic books.

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" opens in theaters on March 25, 2016.