'Batman vs Superman' movie news: 'I'm Batman,' says Ben Affleck in new video

A screengrab from the "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailerYouTube/Warner Bros Pictures

In a new unofficial video for the upcoming "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie, actor Ben Affleck, who plays Gotham City's most feared guardian in the biggest bordering DC Comics movie adaptation, finally makes known who he is.

The video, shared on Instagram by young actor Seth Lee, shows Affleck declaring in his brooding Batman voice that he is indeed the Caped Crusader, which gives fans a foretaste of how the "Gone Girl" actor will sound like when armored and ready for battle.

Affleck said the superhero's iconic catchphrase "I'm Batman" in the video made it enough of a teaser for fans awaiting more clues and information about "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice," which won't be out until March next year.

Lee stars with Affleck in "The Accountant," due in 2016. While the two messed around during the filming, the young celebrity took the opportunity to summon his co-star's inner Batman. The line has been uttered by every single actor who breathed life into different versions of the comic book hero in films.

Just recently, reports flew around regarding Warner Brothers' plans for Affleck to star and direct a Batman movie slated to come out in the fall of 2018. This will be one of the 10 films the studio intends to release between 2016 and 2020.

In "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice," Bruce Wayne goes all vigilante on the "Metropolis's most revered," who starts to wreak havoc rather than save the world," something the Dark Knight can't allow to go unpunished.

In turn, the two superheroes engage in an all-out war as humanity tries to figure out what superheroes really do for the world and which ones they really need. At odds, Superman and Batman will face a new threat, which puts Earth in deeper jeopardy.

"Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" will hit the big screen on March 25, 2016.