'Batman vs Superman' movie plot, spoilers: Wonder Woman as Diana, Batcave details, Lex Luther's motivation

Warner Bros.

What's the latest on "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice?" There's plenty of major spoilers that leaked. Spoilers include everything about Wonder Woman, her costume, weapons and screen time, the moral battle between Batman and Superman, Batman's Batcave location and the motivation behind Lex Luther's actions.

Wonder Woman

According to JoBlo, Wonder Woman will wear a pre-new52 jacket and leggings. A source for JoBlo tells them that Wonder Woman will look "badass" repeatedly, and we're not questioning that. While Wonder Woman will look ripped and sleek, she will look like she's always ready for battle.

Her costume accessories include a blue leather skirt, silver-armored cuffs, golden tiara with a possible red star in the center and a standard red top. She will look like an "Amazon warrior princess," which is what she really is in the first place.

Wonder Woman has a wide array of weapons, including her golden lasso, a sword, spear and a shield. The report says that she will wear her shield on her back when she's not using it.

As for her screen time, Wonder Woman will be introduced as Diana and will have a decent amount of screen time. She will join Batman and Superman during the final battle. Her place of origin is unknown, but her introduction to the movie shows Batman and Superman that there are other superheroes out there.

Batman vs Superman

Both are superheroes in their own right. One has superpowers, while the other ones use the most high-tech gadgets. However, both superheroes have their own ways of fighting crime. Batman is a crime fighter who will take villains down in any way possible. On the other hand, Superman is a rule follower, so there will definitely be a tension there.

The Batcave

While the Wayne Manor is where Bruce Wayne and Batman lives, in this movie, Batman will choose to live in a cottage by the lake. Hidden underneath this cottage is a modern Batcave that is home to all his gears, namely the Batmobile, Batarangs and many more.

Lex Luther Motivations

Lex Luther believes that he is "a gift to humanity" as what JoBlo puts it. And since Superman is godlike, he wants people to hate Superman. Now people will think that Superman is no longer a superhero, but a threat to humanity.

What do you think of these explosive revelations? "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" will hit theaters May 6, 2016.