'Battlefield 1' fall update release date news update: Massive changes implemented with update; rentable private servers now online

"Battlefield" has recently received a fall update that brought a ton of changes and improvements into the game. The World War I shooter is now offering a rentable game server for those who prefer their own one.

EA DICE, the game developer, stated in the game's forum, "Going forward, we are addressing the balance issues with the Operations game mode. It's clear that attackers need a boost. To increase the effectiveness of the attacking team, we are increasing the overall tickets for both Operations & Grand Operations. In addition, we are also making it somewhat easier to capture sectors as an attacker by reducing the amount of time it takes to capture flags in Operations & Grand Operations."

A promotional image from "Battlefield 1"Battlefield official website

It also added, "We've also increased the minimum tickets regained in grand operations to from 30 to 50, as well as increased the amount of tickets regained from killing retreating defenders. This will give more of a fighting chance to capture the next sector after previously capturing a sector while having very few tickets left."

Regarding the Suez Conquest map, which has been a complaint of many players, the studio decided to add two more flags on its layout to make it more challenging. This will prevent one team from capturing all the flags easily and close out the game early. There are now five flags on the map.

There are changes that were made to the game, such as changes on the leadership order, an equal weather in Rush mode, change increase the default player count from 40 to 64, and the visibility of the pigeon in War Pigeon mode. Two new tabs were also added to the store: Rental Server Program (RSP) and Battlepacks.

Players who wanted more control over multiplayer games can now avail their own private server, which is also handled by EA DICE and not by a third-party provider. With this in mind, players will have the same game experience similar to the general multiplayer maps, except the players who can join and the map cycle it would offer. The program was revealed last month and subdivided between PC and consoles. The pricing scheme is generally the same: $3.00 for one day, $12.00 for a week, and up to $150.00 for three months.

Numerous tweaks were also implemented with the latest update. Game fans will experience many changes in gameplay, its user interface (UI), visuals, and audio quality, among others

"Battlefield 1's" fall update is around 2.2 GB, and it is now available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.