'Battlefield 4' DLC to be coming Dec. 9


After getting the ire of many for its seemingly rushed release, EA DICE and Electronic Arts will reportedly announce another DLC pack for "Battlefield 4" on Tuesday. According to GameRant, info about the new DLC for the first-person shooter game will be released on Dec. 9, and it will be the sixth expansion pack of the game. 

The news came after an EA representative named David Sirland confirmed the speculations on its Twitter account. When asked if the exact date of the big DLC announcement will come soon, Sirland simply said, "Yes, Prob on the 9th." However, there are no exact details about the contents of the upcoming expansion pack. 

When "Battlefield 4" came out in October 2013, the game was faced with a lot of complaints from players and shareholders alike. Even EA CEO Andrew Wilson claimed that the initial release was unacceptable by any standard. 

"For me, the situation we had was unacceptable. For the team it was unacceptable. We have worked tirelessly since then to make sure the gameplay experience got to where it absolutely should have been at launch and we're focused on that and we continue to deliver value to that player base," Wilson stated when he was discussing the dismal performance of the game earlier this year. 

Several weeks ago, the game developer released the game's season pass titled "Battlefield 4: Final Stand." It was initially released for "Battlefield 4" Premium subscribers, and it became public just last week. But the "Final Stand" DLC also faced several problems during its release. Those who purchased the pack separately encountered several issues, but EA managed to sort it out soon after. 

After several DLC releases, "Battlefield 4" finally became the game that it was meant to be, several months since it first came to the market. 

The release date of the next "Battlefield 4" DLC will be announced on the said date.