'Battlefield 4' news: Legacy Operations DLC coming to the game

"Battlefield 4" official website

"Battlefield 4" is set to welcome some new content very soon.

Coming courtesy of the Legacy Operations downloadable content (DLC), players will be getting their hands on some new content for the popular first-person shooter.

This time around, the new content players can look forward to actually draw inspiration from what is likely to be a very familiar source.

Long-time fans of the franchise who spent hours engaging in combat inside "Battlefield 2's" Dragon Valley map will be glad to know that a reimagined version of that fan-favorite is the crown jewel of the Legacy Operations DLC.

Players will be glad to know that the Dragon Valley map they grew to know and love from "Battlefield 2" will retain many of its trademark qualities when it debuts in "Battlefield 4." This means that map elements such as bridges that players could both destroy and fix up will be returning in "Battlefield 4," although the game's developers have also taken the time to adjust some aspects of the map.

Some of the modifications that DICE, the game's developer, points to include changes to the map's vertical measurements and even the addition of a new cloud layer, which, the developer claims, can provide a more strategic gameplay into the new version of Dragon Valley, according to the game's official website.

Some of the game modes that are new to "Battlefield 4" will also be playable in the new Dragon Valley map.

The Legacy Operations DLC for "Battlefield 4" will be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and personal computer (PC) but not to last generation platforms, according to Eurogamer

The "Legacy Operations" DLC will also be available free of charge to players.

The Legacy Operations DLC, according to DICE, will arrive alongside another holiday update due out later this year, but the two will be different downloads. This means that players could still be in line to receive more new content for "Battlefield 4" aside from the reimagined Dragon Valley map.