Battlefield Hardline update: Xbox One, PS4 resolutions bared


"Battlefield Hardline" is expected to start coming out this March and just recently, more updates on what to expect has been revealed.

Visceral Games, through a tweet, answered a query from a user revealing that "Battlefield Hardline" would be coming out in different high resolutions for the PS4 and the Xbox One.

For the PS4, the game will run on a 900p/60fps resolution while the Xbox One on the other hand would be running on a 720p/60fps resolution. As far as PC users are concerned, eventual gamers can look forward to much higher resolution though it wasn't mentioned how high the resolution would be.

For Sony users, the announcement could be some kind of a setback considering it was previously announced that "Battlefield Hardline" would run at 1080p/60fps. This was the earlier announcement and as it turns out, only the Xbox One would be sticking to that original announcement.

No reason was given behind the said resolution downgrade although it seems that there may have been problems during the developmental stages.

This is the presumption considering that Visceral Games had wanted to ensure that the game would be stable and bug-free.

"Battlefield Hardline" is scheduled to be released in North American on March 17 with Europe next in line on March 19.

Also, folks who are planning to get the game may want to check out the "Battlefield Hardline" premium membership perks as well. Priced at about $49.99, gamers can look forward to new super features and story-themed expansion packs among others.

For those who haven't seen it yet, below is the launch trailer for "Battlefield Hardline."