BBC Announce New Head of Religion and Ethics

The BBC has announced a new Head of Religion and Ethics has been appointed. Michael Wakelin, 45, will succeed Alan Bookbinder in the position.

|TOP|Wakelin is famous as the Series Producer of Songs of Praise for the past five years, and is currently the Acting Head of Development for the Religion & Ethics Department.

The BBC Controller of Factual Production, Keith Scholey commented, “Michael has a huge amount of knowledge and passion for the subject which, as Head of Religion & Ethics, will make him a fantastic advocate, not only for the religion production base but also for the BBC as a whole.”

In addition, the Bishops of Manchester, the Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, has expressed his delight at the appointment, according to the Church of England newspaper.

Rev McCulloch said, “I welcome Michael’s appointment. He has significant experience of making successful programmes for Religion and Ethics. He is well placed to grasp the challenge of producing increasingly creative and innovative programmes about faith issues.”

|AD|The new BBC religion head is a Methodist lay preacher, and joined the BBC in 1986 as a researcher for BBC Radio Four’s The Good Book.

Since then he has also worked on a wide cross-section of programmes. He has worked on many multi-faith programmes and was a major figure in the establishment of Radio Two’s 15 year success ‘Faith in the World week’.

On BBC Radio Two Wakelin helped launch gospel music shows with Gloria Gaynor, Deniece Williams and recently Beverley Knight.

In addition to Wakelin’s appointment, Andrew Graystone has succeeded Peter Blackman as the new director of the Churches Media Council. Graystone has been an established broadcaster, trainer, consultant and also a theology graduate, and has testified that he wishes to raise the profile of the Churches Media Council and help it find a renewed sense of purpose.

Graystone has said that he hopes to develop stronger support for Christians working at all levels in the media and helping people to understand the media and use it creatively and constructively, according to the Church of England newspaper.

Joel Edwards, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance UK, and also the Chair of the Churches Media Council has said: “Andrew’s appointment is great news for Christians in broadcasting and for the future work of the Churches’ Media Council. He brings to this role significant experience, vision and drive.”