BBC has become a 'secular church' obsessed with 'climate change alarmism' and diversity - Charles Moore

(Photo: Reuters)

Tory peer Charles Moore has accused the BBC of "preaching" to the masses on climate change and diversity. 

The Thatcher biographer and former Telegraph editor blasted the corporation while guest editing Radio 4's Today programme on Saturday. 

He accused the BBC of becoming a "secular church" that is biased on the issue of climate change. 

Speaking on the programme, he suggested that it needed to become "disestablished". 

"What I am objecting to is preaching," he said.

"The BBC has decided to be a secular church and it preaches and tells us what we ought to think about things. So it tells us we shouldn't support Brexit and we should accept climate change alarmism and we have to all kowtow to the doctrines of diversity."

He complained that he had struggled to bring a climate change sceptic onto the programme because of "obstacles" from the show's producers.

"The difficulty I have had trying to get all this stuff about climate change onto this programme, even though I am the guest editor," he said.

"[The] obstacles come in every single time because of rulings and bureaucracy and the fact that Roger Harrabin, the environment editor, is so biased."

Defending Harrabin, Today host Nick Robinson said he "reports what he thinks is true" and that BBC coverage is governed by "Ofcom regulations and the law".