Be part of God’s big society this Advent, says bishop

The Bishop of Chelmsford is asking Christians to change the world through acts of kindness this Christmas.

Preaching during his installation service, the Rt Rev Stephen Cottrell invited people to “begin again” and bear the Good News during Advent.

“If we live prayerful, faithful lives, if we shine with the light of the risen Christ, then or world will be changed," he said.

"For God’s big society is made up of a thousand little deeds of sacrifice and kindness.”

Bishop Cottrell is a keen advocate of rest over the Christmas period. He previously penned the book ‘Do Nothing: Christmas is Coming’ and has just co-authored a new book for this Advent with a similar message.

‘Ready Steady Slow’ invites people to set aside five minutes of their day and change the world by following daily ‘tread gently’ challenges.

These include making your own compost, holding a paperless party, driving slower, and indulging in a longer coffee break.

The Church of England is launching its online calendar of the same name on December 1 at

Behind each of the doors will be video stories from around the country, including one taking a closer look at Brighton’s Beach Hut Advent Calendar, a novel initiative which starts on December 1 and will offer the public the chance to take part in celebrations along the shore in different sponsored huts each day.

The Archbishop of York is also launching an online calendar at on December 1 featuring some of his personal reflections in the run up to Christmas.