Beacon Fellowship Urges Public to Nominate Individuals for Charity Award

The Beacon Fellowship Charitable Trust is urging the public to nominate individuals who have made a significant charitable contribution in giving time, money or skills to a specific cause.

The charity is looking for nominees for the 2007 Beacon Prize together with the Government's Cabinet Office, UBS Wealth Management and The Vodafone UK Foundation.

With awards in six categories and additional regional prizes for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the winners will be invited to attend a gala evening in London where the overall prize winner will receive £30,000 to donate to the charity of their choice.

Beacon's Chair and former broadcaster Martyn Lewis notes: "The Beacon Prize, described by Chancellor Gordon Brown MP, as 'the Nobel Prize of the charity world', aims to encourage a culture of giving in the UK by uncovering and recognising extraordinary achievements in the world of charity.

"Beacon has had a remarkable response to last year's prize nomination scheme, revealing stories of extraordinary individuals who have worked to make a difference, be it locally or on a global scale.

"Each in turn represents the Beacon belief in the strength of individual philanthropy and we are confident this year's nominations will highlight the work of many more yet unnamed heroes who have given so much in the name of charity."

Michael Wood, founder of Christian charity Rope, was among the winners of the Beacon Award last year in acknowledgement of his work resourcing Christian nationals to help their own countries' poor, deprived and oppressed people, particularly widows and orphans.

Categories for nomination include Leadership, Community Builder, Creative Giving, New Initiatives, Family Philanthropy and Young Philanthropist.

Nominations close on 1 May. Nominations forms can be downloaded from .