'Bear with Me' news: Noire point-and-click adventure game release date announced

Promotional image for "Bear With Me"Steam

Console fans of noire point-and-click adventure games will have to bear the wait just a bit longer, as "Bear with Me" has been announced for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 (PS4) and Nintendo Switch.

Developer Exordium Games has announced that the noire adventure game is expected to be finished by the second quarter of 2018, but with no specific month or exact release date yet. The earlier version of "Bear with Me," which was originally released on the PC, had controls fit for a mouse and keyboard, which is why Exordium Games had to make adjustments for the console hardware.

Meanwhile, there is also a Collector's Edition for the game that will be available for the console players, and which is now currently available for the PC, Linux and Mac players for only $9.98. Console owners can expect the same price for the console version when it's ready. The said version also contains all three episodes of "Bear with Me," whereas Steam users will recall that the first episode was released for free on the online market.

All three episodes will also be available for console players, with voice-overs in the English language but French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian subtitles. Console players should rest assured they will not miss any of the PC version's contents, as they will be practically the same.

For those unfamiliar with the game, "Bear with Me" is a detective-story adventure game with a noire monochrome atmosphere. The game has received much critical and audience acclaim with 88 percent of its reviews on Steam being positive. "Bear with Me" sees the player helping 10-year-old Amber and her wise-cracking, chain-smoking companion, Ted E. Bear, as she finds her missing sibling.

Players will have to solve puzzles, search for clues and question individuals to get information regarding Amber's sibling in the in-game world of Paper City. The twist is that players can also interview toys that have been brought to life with the power of Amber's imagination.

Right now, no exact release date has been revealed for the console version of "Bear with Me" but fans should stay tuned to the developers' announcements.