'Beauty and the Beast' season 3 spoilers: Cat gets a new partner, JT suffers a curse in episode 5 'The Most Dangerous Beast'

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In the last episode of "Beauty and the Beast" season 3, Cat and Vincent went to a marriage counselor although they aren't married — yet. This was when the couple could no longer contain what's happening around them and between them. But that doesn't compare to the new episode, if the title is any indication. 

Carter Matt points out that next week's episode was originally titled "Most Dangerous," but The CW found it best to give fans an idea of what or who deserves such superlative. Thus, episode 5 is now titled "The Most Dangerous Beast." 

The installment marks the return of Bob and Carol, which is not at all good news for Cat, who gets a new partner who Tess assigns in the episode. She immediately jumps to the conclusion that the pair is trying to get her away from Vincent in order to capture them easily. 

Meanwhile, in the same episode, JT realizes that his healing power isn't something he got for free. With such beautiful gift comes an expensive, often unimaginable, price. This is what Vincent's best buddy realizes in this episode. 

As TV Fanatic pointed out, things just happen to be extra difficult when thrown at him, and that JT, who serves as the mediator between the conflicting Tess, Vincent and Cat, almost always has to do something demanding before getting out in one piece. 

This is the assurance that whatever the "terrible cost" that's about to hunt the beast, he will most likely go through it, just not in the easiest way there is. But right now, from the looks of it, the title of the episode may be aimed at him. 

"Beauty and the Beast" season 3 episode 5 "The Most Dangerous Beast" will air on July 9.