Bebo Norman auctions prized guitar on eBay to raise funds for Haiti

Desiring to give and somehow help in the Haiti relief effort, Bebo Norman and wife Roshare have jumped on board by asking Twitter fans to give to Compassion International.

The Normans committed for a one-day matching of $5 for every re-tweet of his original message. Due to the overwhelming response by his fans and wanting to do even more, Bebo put one of his personal guitars up for auction on eBay on Friday and the auction last one week concluding January 22. All funds are going directly to Compassion International for Haiti.

“I honestly can’t place a value on this guitar since it is Number 00-01 in a very limited production (only 128 ever made) and has been in my personal guitar collection as one of my primary ‘songwriting guitars’ for 10 years,” shares Bebo. “This guitar has been the source of quite a few of my songs (“Nothing Without You”, “Try”, “Borrow Mine”), spent one year on tour with me, and is in absolutely amazing condition.

"This guitar is priceless as far as I’m concerned. The only way I would even dream of letting this guitar go is for a cause as important as serving the people of Haiti and meeting them in their time of crisis.”

About the Everett Laurel Guitar: This hand-made Everett Laurel Guitar is the very first production guitar (Number 00-01) in the Laurel Series and was given to Bebo Norman as a personal gift from the builder himself, Kent Everett.

This Laurel First Edition is solid Sitka topped with Rosewood back and sides, highly flamed Maple bindings, Maple rosette, and Rosewood fingerboard and bridge. Bebo has autographed the custom interior label next to the production number and Kent Everett’s custom wax seal that ensures authenticity.

Also included in the auction pack: TKL hardcase for the guitar, 4 packs of Elixir Medium Gauge Nanoweb guitar strings, and the entire Bebo Norman discography, autographed. Discography includes "The Fabric of Verse" (1996, Out of Print), "Ten Thousand Days" (1999), "Big Blue Sky" (2000), "Myself When I Am Real" (2002), "Try" (2004), "Between the Dreaming and the Coming True" (2006), "Christmas from the R ealms of Glory" (2007), and "Bebo Norman" (2008).

The beginning of Bebo Norman kicked off when he took a year between college and medical school to try his hand as a performing artist and had soon enough sold fifty thousand self-made copies of The Fabric of Verse (1996) at coffeehouse shows, out of the trunk, and online.

Norman’s 1999’sdebut, Ten Thousand Days, landed Norman on the cover of CCM—a rare honor for a new artist. The follow-up, Big Blue Sky, was voted No. 1 Christian album of 2001 by the editors at Myself When I Am Real (2002) earned seven Dove Award nods and charted the defining hit, “Great Light of the World.”

Recent projects Try (2004) and Between the Dreaming and the Coming True (2006) continued the steady climb, the latter gaining a near-perfect score at, which called it “his best.”

In 2007, Norman partnered with Seattle’s BEC Recordings to release his first Christmas project that garnered another Dove nomination. In 2008, Bebo Norman released another critically acclaimed project (self-titled) receiving such reviews as “…feels like the beginning of a vibrant new chapter in an already distinguished career” (Billboard). Norman resides in Tennessee with his wife and two children.

The auction link is posted at Bebo’s site: