Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner divorce update: Actor's mom takes Garner's side, wants estranged couple to go counseling

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The news on Ben Affleck–Jennifer Garner divorce not only saddened many fans, but also the actor's mom, who reportedly wants the estranged couple to go through counseling.

According to CelebDirtyLaundry, Affleck's mother, Christine Boldt, has always been on Garner's side ever since the divorce news broke out. And even though there were rumors that the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" actor cheated with their nanny, Boldt seems to still want her son to get back with Garner.

Affleck is now facing more allegations surrounding his ruined marriage with Garner and his mother reportedly felt ashamed of all the scandal he's involved in. In addition, Boldt told her son that losing his wife would be the "biggest mistake of his life," as stated in CelebDirtyLaundry's report.

Boldt and Garner have always been close, according to ParentHerald, which is why news of Boldt wanting the ex-couple to reunite would make sense. JustJared share evidence of just how close the in-laws are.

On Nov. 29, the two were spotted hanging out in Los Angeles. They were seen together leaving a church with six-year-old Seraphina, Boldt's granddaughter.

The news outlet shared several photos of the two women, which only shows that they have maintained a good relationship despite the high-profile divorce.

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Ever since Affleck and Garner announced their split in June, there were also rumors that the two had tried to work out their marriage, but only more cheating allegations popped up. With Boldt reportedly trying to help them out, will the estranged couple ever get back together?

CelebDirtyLaundry mentioned that there's a slim chance of them fixing their marriage because the "Gone Girl" actor has been linked to his co-stars, Sienna Miller and Abigail Kuklis.

As of the moment, both Garner and Affleck have not addressed the rumors concerning their marriage and divorce. The two had released their joint statement early this year, but apart from that, they have kept mum about the issue.