Ben Affleck Jennifer Garner marriage reunion rumors: Ben ready to patch up but Jennifer unimpressed?

Ben Affleck and Jennifer GarnerReuters/ file

Although Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck had annonced that they are splitting ways on June 30, 2015, it has been more than a year and the couple has taken no concrete legal action about their marriage. This has created a number of issues and confusions for fans. While many would like to see them together again it is unclear what their current relationship status is. Are thery still married? Are they having a baby? Has Jennifer finally accepted Ben's offer for compromise?

If rumours are to be believed, it seems like Ben is the only one who is desparately trying to save the marriage and get back with her. Perhaps that decision has more to do with guilty consience than anything else. Jen however seems to give the 'I've had it with you' attitude and shows no sign of wanting to get back with the star who earned a bad boy image.

The media was abuzz with Ben's alleged affair with the kid's nanny and that the fact that he cheated Jennifer was the reason for the couple's marriage woes. The actor also earned names like 'love rat' for his sneekish behaviour and his betrayal of an unassuming wife.

So do the two really plan to get divorced? Well although Jen has put out an image that she is determined to go down that path, there are subtle details that point to the contrary. For one, the couple still live in the same home albeit in separate bedrooms, as they claim. And now there are rumours of another baby. That is really huge. So are the two celebrities trying to save their marriage?

Also interesting is how Ben still refers to her as his wife and Jennifer has made remarks to the effect that they are a 'modern family'. Now what is that really supposed to mean? It is indeed difficult for many to understand how the couple can be separated and still staying together, appearing totally cool with eachother.

There is however another side to the story. Close friends of the actors have reiterated that the two are indeed separate now and while there is no room for any patch up, what's keeping them together is not love but co-parents. While that is believeable, let's just hope that maybe someday they do get to celebrate a second honeymoon.