Ben Carson 2016 presidential straw poll result: Carson wins poll but admits it was never his first intention to run for president


Ben Carson, the renowned neurosurgeon and presidential candidate from Florida, is receiving a lot of support from conservatives, and this places him in some states alongside top Republican contenders for the 2016 presidential elections.

The wave of support was evident when he was declared the winner of the presidential straw poll that took place during the weekend's Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

Despite the overwhelming support he received, the presidential candidate admitted that he didn't really want to become president and would rather enjoy retirement.

In a report from the Huffington Post, Carson told 100 Iowa voters on Friday: "I was looking forward to a relaxing retirement, you know, with a beautiful home in Florida by a golf course."

Carson has worked long hours as a neurosurgeon for decades and said he did not even have the time to watch "The Godfather" and "Rocky"—something he included in his list of to-do things upon retiring.

He also stressed that he had been reluctant about running for the 2016 presidential elections even before he formally joined the race.

Carson was asked how he would feel if his campaign failed, to which he replied: "I would say 'whew!' because it's not something I ever really wanted to do."  

He revealed that the only reason he had considered a candidacy was the overwhelming support of so many people. Carson also said that he felt God was pushing him to do so.

"I finally said, 'Lord, I don't want to do this, but if you're going to open the doors, I will go through with it,'" he said.

Carson may not have the most experienced background in politics, but he won the straw poll after garnering 224 votes against the 201 of Texas presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina.