Android 5.2 running on Nexus 5 in benchmark test result

After receiving the latest mobile operating system update, a benchmark test suggests that the Nexus 5 might possibly be given another OS update. This time, it could get the alleged Android 5.2 operating system. 

[Screengrabbed from Primate Labs website]

The results of a Geekbench benchmark test dated Feb. 17 posted online shows details of an LG Nexus 5 that runs using the still unreleased Android 5.2 OS. Based on the benchmark report, the LG-manufactured smartphone from Google managed to get speed test scores of 934 on single-core and 2992 on multi-cores. 

Another Geekbench score was posted on February 16, where the device received 907 on single and 2997 on multi-cores speed tests. However, that particular benchmark showed the Nexus 5 running on Android 5.1. 

Nexus 5[Photo credit: LG Electronics]

Currently, Nexus 5 devices are still running on Android 5.0 OS, which means that both the benchmark tests are showing what the smartphone can do should Google decide to release another Google operating system update. If Google is indeed planning a new Android update, it would not be surprising if the first device to receive it would be one that belongs to the company itself. 

Android users are expecting several significant changes on the device, including the return of the silent mode that was removed from the previous update. It is also expected that any future update of the Android 5.0 Lollipop will bring longer battery life, enhanced RAM management, improved overall system stability, as well as notification and "OK Google" bug fixes.  

Currently, speculations about the Android 5.1 update claim that it will serve as a minor update meant to be released for several low-end or mid-range smartphone models that are available in the market today. Could this mean that the alleged Android 5.2 update will be a more extensive update for a wider range of smartphone models? 

Google is still mum about the its upcoming updates.