Benny Hinn's nephew accuses megachurch pastor Kris Vallotton of being a 'false prophet'

Kirs Vallotton appears in a screen capture of a video from his YouTube channel.YouTube/Kris Vallotton

Costi Hinn, the nephew of controversial televangelist Benny Hinn, has accused Bethel Church leader Kris Vallotton of being a "false prophet" who bought his luxury car with money earned by deceiving people.

The accusation came after Vallotton took to Facebook to share a photo of his luxury car that was keyed by an unidentified person while he was out having dinner.

"It's kind of sad that people can destroy other people's hard earned stuff," Vallotton wrote.

The pastor acknowledged that he likes the car "a lot" but he does not treat it like an idol. He said that he prays for those who tried to destroy it, saying that they are "enemies that need love not vengeance, unforgiveness or hatefulness."

Costi Hinn, who has recently been speaking out against his uncle's prosperity teaching, accused Vallotton of being a false prophet and asserted that his car was not "hard earned."

"Friends, Kris Vallaton is a false prophet. His luxury car is not hard earned. It's easy money deceiving people," he stated in a Facebook post.

"We used to have Benz, Ferrari, and Hummer. Barely broke a sweat except when shopping on a hot day in Beverly Hills. This isn't persecution. It's just a false teacher with a key'd hot rod," he explained.

Hinn, who serves as an executive pastor at The Mission Bible Church in Orange County, California, has revealed in a recent interview how he lived luxuriously before speaking out against his uncle's ministry.

In an interview with HLN's Carol Costello, Hinn claimed his family was being run like a hybrid of the "royal family" for its lavish riches and the mafia due to supposed strict enforcement of rules.

Hinn said he would travel luxuriously in a G4 or G5 private gulfstream airliners and stay in fancy hotels that cost $25,000 a night before experiencing a change of heart.

He claimed that the Hinn family justified their lavish lifestyle and prosperity preaching by taking the promises of Jesus about riches in heaven and applying them to their current life.

"That's really not the heartbeat of Christianity, the heartbeat of Christianity is, if you have wealth, you want to be generous and rich in good works. If God has blessed you with a lot, you have a great responsibility," he said.

Hinn said that he was "disgusted" with his former self and claims that his relationship with his uncle Benny has suffered, but he was grateful that he could be transformed after he encountered the power of the Gospel.