Bible Education Needed for Children in New Zealand

|TOP|A survey- supported by the CWM-member PCANZ, the Bible Society in New Zealand, the Churches Education Commission, Scripture Union and Children's Bible Ministries- has revealed that a shockingly high number of children in New Zealand are unfamiliar with the stories in the Bible.

Compared with 91 per cent of UK children, a shocking 54 per cent of New Zealand kids were able to name a story or passage from the Bible. In addition, only 69 per cent of New Zealand children were able to name five Bible characters, compared with 88 per cent in UK.

Chief executive of the Bible Society in New Zealand Colin Reed warned: "A biblically illiterate young generation today is an inevitable forerunner of an increasingly secular society tomorrow."

Jill Kayser of the "kids friendly initiative" of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ) made a plea for church members to improve their children's knowledge.

|QUOTE|Kayser believes the reduction in religious education in schools is a significant contributor to Kiwi kids' lack of Bible knowledge. "School boards and principals have become hyper-sensitive to offering anything religious or Christian in their school programme for fear of rocking the boat," she said.

Recently, the Churches Education Commission (CEC), which aims "to stimulate, service and co-ordinate the concerns of member churches and related organisations for Christian and general education in New Zealand," launched two new sets of material for teaching Christian Beliefs and Values. The materials- Searchfor 8-10 year olds, and Quest for 10-12 year olds- were revised from the approved curriculum, Religion in Life’ by writing teams in New Zealand and Australia.

The children’s books are bright, lively and colorful, starting off with the children’s own experiences, and encourages students to explore ideas and reflect on them.