Bible Society Calls Christians to “Live the Story” of Christ with New Initiative

The Bible Society has announced its new initiative to reach out all Christians and allow them to apply Biblical teachings into their lives. A new wristband has been launched by the Christian charity, and will go towards calling on Christians to speak out for the Bible and “Live the Story”.

The new wristband will feature the message of “Live the Story” in Braille, in addition to the standard embossing. This reveals the Bible Society’s continued efforts to make the Bible accessible to everyone.

This month’s New Wine Festival was actually used to launch the teal-coloured wristband.

The Bible Society’s Partnership & Development Executive said, “Wristbands are not only collectable, fashionable and fun, they are also a great way of getting across important messages. In a world where the Bible is becoming increasingly marginalised, we believe that ‘living the Story’ is vital for our lives today. We want thousands of people who share our passion for God’s Story to wear the wristband with pride.”

The Bible Society has long been established with the commission to make the Bible heard all over the world, and aims to build bridges between the Bible and people’s every day lives. Its latest initiative has been designed with this thought in mind, and it is hoped, will a long way to help progress this vision.

The proceeds from the sales of the wristbands will be given to the Bible Society’s work in efforts to make the Bible more “available, accessible and credible” says a Bible Society press release.

The Bible Society’s work in the UK has included campaigning for the voice of the Bible to be heard in all spheres of live; politics, arts, media and education.

For further information on the new Bible Society wristbands please visit